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Divrei Elokim Chaim from the Mashgiach HaGaon HaTzaddik HaRav Dan Segal shlita

Request to the parent body * Clear instructions to yeshivah talmidim * Brachah and havtachah

Dear parents. Baruch Hashem, ashreichem. Lucky are you that merit dear sons who
inhabit the beis medrash! Especially, this beis medrash, where they try as much as
possible to give their dear talmidim everything they need for the learning itself
—and all their other needs, so that they learn with serenity and happiness.
Due to our sins, we’re in the situation that we’re in now. I’m a father, so I also know,
baruch Hashem, how parents feel. The yeshivah hakedoshah and the Rosh Yeshivah
will try to make sure that everything that is necessary practically to be in touch with
your son will be in place. But it will be in a manner that doesn’t distract them from
their learning, which would be uprooting us from our primary purpose. There are
phones in the rooms and public phones, but if each bachur would bring a cellphone
to yeshivah, the breech would be great, and we ourselves would be uprooting the
great chizzuk that we need and the great merit of limmud haTorah for Am Yisrael.
Please, I ask, overcome your natural feelings and use logic to make your decision.
Allow the bachurim to learn Torah without distraction and not even one bachur
should bring a private cellphone to yeshivah.
In the merit of overcoming our emotions and subjugating them for limud haTorah,
the Torah will be obligated, and Hashem will repay us. We will be healthy and
strong, there will be salvation for Klal Yisroel, and we will all be able to learn with
serenity. Tzion and Yerushalayim will be saved in our days, b’mheirah biyameinu

כתבות נוספות

Rabbi Dov Kook Shlita draws water from the Kinneret and bakes matzos for “Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo” – GALLERY
Rabbi Dov Kook Shlita draws water from the Kinneret and bakes matzos for “Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo” – GALLERY
Rabbi Dov Kook Shlita draws water from the Kinneret and bakes matzos for “Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo” – GALLERY
Start of Winter Zman, Tishrei 5784/2023
Start of Winter Zman, Tishrei 5784/2023
Start of Winter Zman, Tishrei 5784/2023
Kvod HaTorah! More than 4500 families of rabbanim and avreichim of Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo received a pre-Yom Tov package.
Kvod HaTorah! More than 4500 families of rabbanim and avreichim of Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo received a pre-Yom Tov package.

Thousands of families of avreichim and rabbanim of the Ateres Shlomo network throughout Eretz Yisroel received a unique Ateres Shlomo pre-Yov Tov chalukah this morning.
After weeks of careful planning of the complex logistics, the Yom Tov chalukah took place at fifteen different places throughout the country. Thousands of families were recipients of this unique distribution that the yeshivah runs annually.
Each family of avreichim and rabbanim received a package that included everything a family needs for Yom Tov: a carton of meat, carton of chicken, package of soda and a box of candies and chocolate L’Kavod Yom Tov and for v’samachta b’chagecha.
The meat and chicken were from a mehudar shechitah supervised by the Rabbanim of Yeshivah Ateres Shlomo along with the kashrus of Shearis Yisroel. The chocolate and snacks were also a special run for the distribution of Yeshivah Ateres Shlomo under the supervision of the Rabbanim of the yeshivah and with the Shearis Yisroel hechsher.
The distribution took place in fifteen different areas throughout the country. During the night, more than 4500 Yom Tov packages were transferred to the distribution areas, a project that required complex planning in and of itself. Distributions took place in Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, Modiin Illit, Beitar Illit, Petach Tikvah, Achisamach, Ofakim, Elad, Telzstone and Charish. There were more than one distribution centers in somef the bigger cities.
The administration of Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo and the yeshivah’s “Keren Tomchei Torah,”who spent nights and days over the last few weeks planning the distribution, expressed their satisfaction at the successful completion of the monumental chalukah for the families of avreichim and rabbanim. The operation achieved its goal of enabling the families of ameilim b’Torah to enjoy Yom Tov without worry, as befitting legyono shel Melech! In addition to the annual distribution, close to 1000 alumni of Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo in the Kiryas HaYeshivah received a special Yom Tov gift, a 1000 NIS voucher to purchase jewelry at
the Noble jewelry stores as an expression of appreciation for eishes chaver.


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Kvod HaTorah! More than 4500 families of rabbanim and avreichim of Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo received a pre-Yom Tov package.
Ateres Shlomo Sukkos 2022
Ateres Shlomo Sukkos 2022
Ateres Shlomo Sukkos 2022

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