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Rare peek into the study of Maran Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztz”l

Two weeks since the Olam HaTorah plunged into mourning, two weeks since the petirah of Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztz”l has left us orphaned, Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo presents more than an hour’s worth of footage providing a rare glimpse into the study of Maran Sar HaTorah ztz”l.

The video is comprised of short clips filmed over the twenty years that Rav Chaim ztz”l stood at the helm of Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo. For more than twenty years, he gave of his precious time to advise, support and give brachos to the yeshivah and its supporters. The clips were chosen from hundreds of hours that Rav Chaim dedicated to Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo in his home on 23 Rashbam Street.

These historic clips are extracts of rare personal discussions that the Rosh Yeshiva, HaGaon HaRav Shalom Ber Sorotzkin shlit”a had with the Sar HaTorah ztz”l, during which Maran Sar HaTorah guided, directed and gave brachos to the yeshivah and all its institutions.

In these rare video clips, viewers can watch as critical, wide-ranging decisions are made according to the guidance and direction of da’as Torah.

שידורים נוספים

Ateres Shlomo Sukkot events 2017
Ateres Shlomo Sukkot events 2017
Ateres Shlomo Sukkot events 2018
Ateres Shlomo Sukkot events 2018
שמחת בית השואבה – סוכות פ”ב
Ateres Shlomo Sukkot events 2021
Ateres Shlomo Sukkot events 2019
Ateres Shlomo Sukkot events 2019
Historic Baking Matzos
Historic Baking Matzos 2021

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