Yeshivas Ohr Eliezer

Beit Shemesh

Yeshivas Ohr Eliezer for young bachurim is located in Beit Shemesh. The yeshivah’s talmidim include exceptional bachurim from Beit Shemesh and its environs and many of its alumni move on to Torah positions within the Ateres Shlomo network.

Leading The Way

Rosh Yeshiva
HaGaon HaRav Abraham Yeshaya Palas Shlita
One of the Rashi Yeshiva
HaGaon HaRav Chanoch Heblin Shlita
HaGaon HaRav Zalman Meyer Novick Shlita
HaGaon HaRav Raphael Ben Tzion Greenhoiez Shlita
HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shimon Levi Shlita
HaGaon HaRav Yisroel Meyer Filtz Shlita
HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Landman Shlita
HaGaon HaRav Simcha Bemberg Shlita
HaGaon HaRav Aharon Shushan Shlita
HaGaon HaRav Yehuda Bulack Shlita

In Numbers

Established in
Learning Masechta


On Rosh Chodesh Elul in 1997, we started Shiur Aleph of the Yeshiva with 16 Talmidim. The Yeshiva was named “Yeshiva LeTzeiirim Beis Shemesh” by Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo and at the time, it was located in a temporary caravan until the permanent structure was completed.
On Rosh Chodesh Elul 2000, The Yeshiva celebrated its entrance to a permanent structure on Rabbi Meyer Baal HaNess Street in Ramat Beis Shemesh Beis. Hachnasas Seifer Torah and Chanuchas HaBait celebration commemorated the Yeshiva’s name with the name of the honorable HaRav Rabbi Eliezer Letz Z”l. HaNgid HaChashuv, HaRav Rabbi Meshulam Dovid Letz,donated the Seifer Torah in memory of his father, the honorable HaRav Rabbi Eliezer Letz Z”l. Maran HaGaon HaRav Meshulam Dovid HaLevi Soloveitchik Ztv”l, set the Mezuza at the entrance of the Yeshiva.
On the 24th of Sivan, 2003, the Yeshiva celebrated another Hachnasas Seifer Torah to commemorate the first Yaartzeit of Rabbitzin Shteinman Z”l. The event included many of Gdolei HaDor as well as Maran Rosh HaYeshiva HaGaon HaGadol HaRav Shteinman Ztv”l who always stood by the Yeshiva’s side since its establishment with complete devotion.
In 2005, the Yeshiva faced a new challenge; the building was no longer big enough to fit all of the Talmidim. A new floor was added, and the Beis Midrash doubled its space. On Rosh Chodesh Elul 2009, with the growth and added construction, Maran HaGaon HaRav Abraham Yeshaya Palas Shlita was elected Rosh Yeshiva. In 2014, Maran HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Levi Shlita was elected Rosh Yeshiva in the Yeshiva Gdola, after years of Avodas kodesh in Yeshiva Ktana Or Eliezer.

Yeshiva Graduates in Leading Positions in our Yeshivas

HaRav Tzvi Cohen Shlita
Kiryas HaYeshiva
HaRav Yoseph Ziskind Shlita
Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Beitar
HaRav Chaim Leib Kaplan Shlita
Yeshivas Ateres Yoseph Shalom Modiin Iilit
HaRav Mordechai Kramer Shlita
Rosh Yeshivas Or Yisroel Ofakim
HaRav Yoseph Rozens Shlita
Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Aryeh Jerusalem
HaRav Yitzchok Koan Segal Shlita
Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Beitar
HaRav Yehuda Leib Weiner Shlita
Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Aryeh Jerusalem
HaRav Aharon Kofshitz Shlita
Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Aryeh Jerusalem
HaRav Yaakov Levi Shlita
Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Elad
HaRav Yaakov Gendelman Shlita
Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Aryeh Jerusalem

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